There are times when you will want to focus on obtaining credit to boost your business growth. As it becomes more mature, it will attract investors. Then, M&A become part of the strategic agenda. When you have available resources, you begin to focus on how to allocate the company’s investment, as well as the funds of the partners and their families.
As a company develops, internationalization becomes a viable option. You begin dealing with foreign exchange transactions. Eventually, as part of the strategic asset and succession planning, you have to consider life insurance and pensions, in order to meet your expanding needs. As your family grows and a new generation takes over, the cycle matures further.
The goals of an experienced businessperson will also include establishing an offshore structure and diversifying into hard currency. Those who have already expanded their business significantly, diversified and accumulated considerable capital may benefit from creating a family office and from the support of an investment manager. All of these stages should join together to ensure the benefits are maintained and to support the next stage. It is a cycle that can repeat, generation to generation.